Sunday, July 24, 2011


Hi, I'm Just a Girl and I'm an emotional eater.

Far too long I've depended on food to fill gaps in my life. If I'm happy I celebrate with food. If I'm down and depressed I dive into whatever sweets I can find. If I'm bored I just flat out eat. Well I'm tired of being tired, fat, and out of breath so I've decided to do something about it. I want to have the energy to play with my class of infants and toddlers and not get worn out. They deserve to have a teacher who can keep up with them! So this is for you my little munchkins. I love you all!

So, sure once I hit puberty I started gaining a little weight here and there. I never did play sports much. It was hard to being homeschooled and living in the country. And I know my genes play a factor in my size, but I mostly blame my emotional eating and sedentary lifestyle (read: ultimate couch potato lifestyle).

A day in my life: 
10am wake-up, get dressed for work.    
10:50am: Walk to work (approx 1/10th of a mile), grab a protein bar on the way out the door.    
11am - 2pm Work at the daycare. This includes feeding babies, changing diapers, picking up toys, cleaning, etc.    
2pm walk home for lunch.     
2:30pm return to work. 
6pm Get off work, walk home, plop on the couch for some tv. 
7pm Either make dinner or more than likely go out to eat. 
8pm-11pm Possibly walk around Walmart for a while or go home and watch more tv. 
11pm shower and go to bed.

Am I currently happy with my life? No. Not at all. I hate being fat. I hate veggin out in front of the tv. I want to be active and have fun. I want to go for a run. I want to walk up the stairs to my apartment and not feel so out of breath I can't talk.

My Motivational Goals:

   1) Stop avoiding mirrors.
   2) Look better au natural.
   3) Have my clothes fit better.
   4) Keep my thighs from rubbing.

Health and Fitness:
   1) Live longer.
   2) Have more energy.
   3) Feel and be stronger.
   4) Climb stairs without being winded.

Friends, family, social life:
   1) Do more active things with my friends.
   2) Motivate my father to lose weight.
   3) Start/Improve my dating scene.
   4) Get in shape before having a baby.

Everyday Situations:
   1) Be more confident in myself with better self-esteem.
   2) Relax around other people and be myself.
   3) Prove to myself (and others) that I can do this.
   4) Walk into a room without feeling that people are staring.
   5) Have people ask if I've lost weight.

My Starting Stats:
   Height: 5' 7"
   Weight: 215 lbs
   BMI: 30.7
   Waist to hip ratio: 0.80
   My target heartrate: Between 144 - 181
   Target Weekly calories burned: 750

My Weight Goals:
   1) Weigh 195 pounds by 11-20-11.
   2) Weigh 190 pounds by 12-24-11.
   3) Weigh 185 pounds by 02-14-12.
   4) Weigh 180 pounds by 03-21-12.
   5) Weigh 165 pounds by 06-20-12.

So there it is, out in the open for the world to see. I am just a girl and I am on my way to being fit!

Much love~
Just a Girl  <3

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